SACSS is heading into its biggest year ever, and we need your help!

Since SACSS opened in 2000, we have become a trusted, stalwart source for South Asian and other immigrant communities in New York City. In 2024, we served over 300,000 people — our highest number to date — through our various programs and services.

We provided 78,000 individuals healthcare outreach, 10,500 individuals sign up for public benefits, conducted 2,000 mental health counseling, and provided 27,000 senior services through our Senior Center. Our culturally palatable Food Pantry has served 7,123 families (28,492 individuals per week), and the numbers continue to grow.

Everyday, we meet community members striving to feed their families, pay their bills, stay healthy, and prosper in a daunting economic climate with severe and ongoing job losses. 

The need is high. And we need you. 

In 2025, with your help, we are seeking to expand our services to meet the growing and changing needs of our community. We hope you will donate today to help us meet our ambitious programming plans for 2025, including:

Women’s Economic Independence Program

Launched a new Women’s Economic Independence Program that will help at least 60 women gain independence while working from home, each year.

The projected cost for this program is


Mental Health Counseling

Expanding SACSS Mental Health Counseling Program to include counseling with mental health professionals in three languages, to offer three times as many clients the compassionate support they need.

SACSS is aiming to invest 
in its mental health program, and we need your help!


Expanding Senior Center Programs to offer a greater number of stimulating and enjoyable programs like physical and mental health counseling, Antakshari, yoga, outing, and more.

SACSS’ is expanding programs for the Senior Center at a cost of

in 2023.


Continuing to expand our culturally palatable food pantry and grocery delivery services

Our pantry costs SACSS $10/bag – just for culturally appropriate food items (dal, spices, etc.)

SACSS distributes about 1,700 bags/week.

Thus, SACSS spends about $17,000/week just on food and groceries, close to

$1 Million/year.

Will you help us raise the funds to ensure we can meet the needs of our community in 2024?

Help us make 2024 the biggest year ever for SACSS and its community! Thank you for your generous support of SACSS.

No amount is too large or small!