SACSS Hosts Special Screening of ‘Bruce’ – A Film that Explores Immigrant Identity and Family

SACSS Hosts Special Screening of ‘Bruce’ – A Film that Explores Immigrant Identity and Family

On May 15, SACSS hosted a special private screening of “Bruce,” a film that explores the themes of immigrant identity, family, and the influence of the legendary Bruce Lee’s philosophy, particularly resonating with immigrant experiences.  

Directed by Kadi Tsang and Katusha Jin and produced by William Kwok and the Bruce Lee Foundation, “Bruce” tells the story of a family that immigrated from Hong Kong to the United States and established a business. A couple of years later, the father, Bruce, succumbs to cancer and leaves behind his wife and young daughter. The mother struggled through financial hardships and psychological challenges. The film focuses on her interactions with her daughter as she rediscovers the meaning of life.

The screening was followed by a discussion featuring Executive Producer William Kwok and Satish Kolluri, Associate Professor of Communications & Media Studies at Pace University, who provided valuable insights and engaged in a meaningful dialogue with the audience about the film. 

A Film that Explores Immigrant Identity and Family

This event was an excellent opportunity for community members to come together and learn from each other.   

“When we face challenges, sometimes it takes time to overcome them or to adapt to a new culture. No matter where we come from, we must learn to embrace challenges, position ourselves, understand our identity, reflect, and move forward. Always try to look forward and enjoy our journey, no matter where we go,” said William Kwok, President of the Martial Arts Education Society