SACSS Awards Certificates to Youth Leadership Participants and Volunteers

SACSS Awards Certificates to Youth Leadership Participants and Volunteers

On August 29th, SACSS celebrated the successful completion of its Summer Youth Leadership program, which aims to empower young individuals to become future leaders and change-makers in their communities. The program provides participants with valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences that will help them contribute positively to society.

Seven participants received a certificate of completion from SACSS Executive Director Sudha Acharya and long-time SACSS supporter John Albert, who shared with the students how the skills they acquired in the Youth Leadership program will benefit them in their future endeavors.


“Grit is the ability to overcome challenges. It’s something that you’ll have now because of the skills that [SACSS] taught you and because you saw a place where people are trying to improve their lives and are demonstrating grit,” John said. “What I hope you take away as you grow and move on in your education and do bigger and better things is that you not only come back here, but whichever community you live in, and give your time.”

Vikram Moka, 14, said he learned communication skills that helped him exude confidence and express himself more clearly in social situations.


“The SACSS Summer Youth Leadership program is amazing; you can learn a lot from it,” Vikram said. “One thing I learned is how to improve my emotions, control negative thoughts and feelings, and also critical thinking to solve problems.”

The event was a recognition of our youth leadership participants and a moment to appreciate the contributions of our volunteers who dedicate their time to support SACSS’s mission.


We thank our volunteers for their selfless service and for making a difference in our community!

“Grit is the ability to overcome challenges. It’s something that you’ll have now because of the skills that [SACSS] taught you and because you saw a place where people are trying to improve their lives and are demonstrating grit,” John said. “What I hope you take away as you grow and move on in your education and do bigger and better things is that you not only come back here, but whichever community you live in, and give your time.”

Vikram Moka, 14, said he learned communication skills that helped him exude confidence and express himself more clearly in social situations.


“The SACSS Summer Youth Leadership program is amazing; you can learn a lot from it,” Vikram said. “One thing I learned is how to improve my emotions, control negative thoughts and feelings, and also critical thinking to solve problems.”

The event was a recognition of our youth leadership participants and a moment to appreciate the contributions of our volunteers who dedicate their time to support SACSS’s mission.


We thank our volunteers for their selfless service and for making a difference in our community!