SACSS 2022 Gala Honoree: Pioneer in #FOODYOUWANT Awardee Adnan Durrani

SACSS is excited to award Adnan Durrani with the SACSS’ PIONEER IN #FOODYOUWANT award, and celebrate Mr. Durrani’s service and commitment to ethical world cuisine. SACSS 2022 Gala “Celebrating Together, Striving Forward” is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate the spirit of this community and how we’re striving ahead — together.
Adnan Durrani is the founder and CEO of Saffron Road, the #1 Better-For-You ethnic entrée brand, leading a culinary revolution in ethical consumerism by honoring cultural integrity, respecting traditional recipes, and authentic cooking methods of Indian/Asian foods. He is a serial food entrepreneur, and was previously partner and principal shareholder in Stonyfield Farms, Inc.