Our in-house Power Woman of Queens, Mary Archana Fernandez

Our in-house Power Woman of Queens, Mary Archana Fernandez

SACSS is known for empowering diverse communities in Queens, and its strength comes from dedicated team members like our Director of Family Support Services, Mary Archana Fernandez. With a decade of experience as a social worker, she handles multiple responsibilities such as client case management, senior support services, ESOL, computer classes and even provides individual or group counseling.


Elizabeth Schneps Aloni, SVP NYC Community Media & Events at Schneps Media, Mary Archana Fernandez & Monica Morales, Emmy Award-winning PIX11 News investigative reporter (left to right)

She was recently honored as a Power Woman of Queens by Schneps Media for her impact at SACSS and her role in making Queens a thriving, vibrant community.